Mwabu – Silver Partner

Mwabu is proud to have originated in Zambia, but our products are suitable / adaptable for much of Sub-Saharan Africa. We particularly understand the challenges faced by teachers, learners and communities in rural Africa and are striving to play our part in overcoming them. 

We are bold innovators, using technology to improve the quality of teaching. We are designing and building an affordable digital eco-system that specifically meets the needs of rural African primary schools. Our African-centric, multi-lingual interactive content and lesson plans work online and offline, delivered via low-cost tablets or smart phones.  

We work with partners to overcome teachers’ skills and motivation gaps, and learner literacy / assessment shortcomings. Our solutions consider deployment and operating challenges and address the realities of power and connectivity constraints. We can collect and analyse usage and completion data offline, enabling teacher and learner progress to be monitored. This allows early intervention where concepts need reinforcing or targeted teacher support is required. 

We are testing new technology on projects such as Intel’s N50 to increase affordable access to content and reduce data costs and are trialing the use of incentive contracts for teachers and communities to reward them in the delivery of improved outcomes. We build bespoke digital training content for major institutions and are enhancing climate and environmental awareness through our support of iLearnabout. 

Mwabu is the future of digital education in rural areas: Content; Lesson plans; Teacher training and support; Literacy; Assessments; Data; Hardware solutions.