LatinFly has more than 20 years of experience in the publishing world.
As representation agents, we promote content in the educational and professional segments, manage contact networks at different levels, identify opinion leaders and potential authors, execute sales and e-marketing campaigns, and offer editorial and commercial advice to our clients in our territory.
Some of our main partners are: Wiley, Taylor & Francis, Wolters Kluwer, Jones & Bartlett Learning, Thieme, Sage, Aspen among others.
We handle academic and professional products, distributed in digital platforms or in print format, and we sell in B2C and B2B scenarios, as necessary.
We have an understanding of the state, institutional and consortium channels, as well as of the libraries, university systems and bookstores and we handle them effectively.
We have the knowledge, the experience and the passion.
Our headquarters are based in Miami and we have regional representatives in Buenos Aires -Argentina-, Bogotá -Colombia-, Puerto Rico and Mexico City -México-.
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