Africa’s Official Ministerial Summit

Under the Official Patronage of
Hon Dr Matthew Opoku Prempeh
Minister of Education
We are proud to announce the 9th Innovation Africa taking place in Ghana in 2019, under the official patronage of the Government of Ghana led by the Ministry of Education and co-hosted by the Ministry of Communications.
Innovation Africa 2019 is firmly established as the continent’s number one high level ministerial forum where industry partners enjoy pre-scheduled meetings and committed engagement with ministers and senior government officials from over 40 countries. It is Africa’s “must go to” event for education, innovation and ICT. Leading industry partners agree that Innovation Africa is the most productive and enjoyable experience of all events, which emphasises the quality of the audience and high level status of decision-making participants.

Co-hosted by
Hon Ursula Owusu-Ekuful
Minister of Communications
In 2019, the full force of the Government of Ghana, under cabinet endorsement, will be ensuring a record number of participating ministers from across the continent. As well as being co-hosted by both ministries of education and communications, the key education & ICT stakeholders from Ghana will play key roles in ensuring the delivery of a multilayered landmark summit.
“This is the one spot, in one trip, where I can see so many ministers. Intel has been here every year.”
Brian Gonzalez – Director, Intel Education

“This conference is the best one ever – this my 5th one! There’s an energy that I’ve not experienced before…
I’ve had positive feedback from all 10 of my meetings today.”
Marie-Anne Kleynhans – Managing Director, Edupac
Pre-Scheduled Ministerial Meetings

“One of the things I love about attendees of the event is that they are looking for real answers. Innovation Africa gives us the time and opportunity to get some real stuff done.”
Anthony Salcito – Worldwide VP Education, Microsoft
AfricanBrains is working closely with the most senior officials in the Government of Ghana to maximize the ministerial attendance at Innovation Africa and fulfil our promise of delivering high-level pre-scheduled meetings to participating partners and delegates.
In 2019, participants will have the choice of booking meetings in advance of the event with ministers of education, higher education, ICT, science & technology, special government agencies for education, teaching and ICT delivery, universities and technical colleges.
Over 250 ministers and government officials, from across Africa, will participate in the summit, regarding Innovation Africa as the essential event to attend to meet with their counterparts, industry leaders and solution providers.

“It’s been terrific to meet with so many ministers and discuss how we can work together.
We have had the chance to meet dozens of delegations over the three days.”
Kelli Campbell – President, Discovery Education
Hosting Africa’s Leading Decision-Makers

“This is a unique opportunity to discuss with the decision-makers at the highest level.
In the last two days we have held 17 pre-scheduled meetings back-to-back.”
Andrea Emiliani – Business Development, IBM
Honourable Ministers Matthew Opoku Prempeh and Ursula Owusu-Ekuful have confirmed personal invitations to ministers from the following countries, to be accompanied by senior delegations. The countries and ministers are regular participants of Innovation Africa, now in its ninth year.
Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Technology & Innovation
Ministry of Maternal & Primary Education
Ministry of Basic Education
Ministry of Tertiary Education, Research, Science and Technology
Ministry of Education, Family & Social Inclusion
Ministry of National Education, Technical Education & Vocational Training
Ministry of Scientific Research and Technology
Ministry of ICT
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Science & Higher Education
Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology
Ministry of National Education & Literacy
Ministry of National Education and Higher Education
Ministry of Education
Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development
Kenya National Commission for Science, Technology & Innovation (NACOSTI)
Ministry of Education & Training
Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
Ministry of Education, Science & Technology
Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology
Ministry of Education & Human Development
Ministry of Science & Technology, Higher & Technical Professional Education
Ministry of Professional and Technical Education
Ministry of Secondary Education
Federal Ministry of Education
Borno State
Edo State
Kano State
Kwara State
Lagos State
Ondo State
Plateau State
Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Digital Economy
Ministry of Primary, Secondary Education & Alphabetisation
Ministry of Technical and Vocational Education, Qualification and Employment
Ministry of Education, Science & Technology
Ministry of Higher Education, Research & Innovation
Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education
Ministry of Information & Communications
Ministry of Posts, Telecom and Technology
Ministry of Basic Education
Ministry of Education – KwaZulu Natal Province
Ministry of Education – Western Cape Province
Ministry of General Education & Instruction
Ministry of Higher Education, Science & Technology
Ministry of Education, Science & Technology
Ministry of Technical Education, Training and Professional Integration
Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation
Ministry of ICT and National Guidance
E-Government Division – SMART Zambia, Office of the President
Ministry of General Education
Ministry of Higher Education
Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education
“It is a great experience to meet with so many people from the different ministries and universities.”
Juan Ramon Alegret – Director Business Development, Blackboard
Our Partners
“As always, it is a great experience.”
Juan Ponelli – President, Positivo Africa
Inspire Innovation Africa’s High Level Audience
Innovation Africa 2019 offers an outstanding choice of different options to companies, allowing you to select a partnership package that best suits your needs and meets your objectives. Being a partner at our summits is a proven method of raising your company profile and gaining maximum exposure.
Benefits include a variety of options for exhibition, corporate presentation, chairing of a ministerial panel session, imaginative ways to showcase your company on delegate bags, badges and lanyards. Branding is throughout the venue on screens and banners, electronically on the Innovation Africa 2019 website and the option for a website podcast plus branding and profiles on all printed material including the summit guide and agenda. Plus special exclusive options for being the ministerial reception or gala dinner sponsor.
Priority meeting times are set aside for our Innovation Africa top level partners. Demand is high and numbers are limited. Please see the ‘Participation Options’ document for the best partnership package to suit your needs and enhance your presence at the summit.

“It’s almost a tradition now for Bi-Bright, but it’s a good tradition.
The Brains organised summits have become a very well known and recognised brand.”
Manuel Mexia – International Development Manager, Bi-Bright Solutions