Novabase – Branded Partner

Novabase is a global IT company, covering more than 40 countries, 2400 consultants, empowering the education sector in its digital transformation through digital tools:

Education Management Solutions

Good management and decision-making are key to enable the Education’s purpose when you have many, different schools to manage. It is not easy to have consistent and real time data about students, teachers, staff and overall performance to support decisions over all Education domains.

We focus on the design and development of comprehensive and adaptive systems, that are scalable and open to further development to support the management of networks of schools.

Higher Education Intelligent Solutions

Universities struggle with an increasing diversity of processes and data across teaching and research activities and services, supplied by their multiple schools and business areas. Cumbersome administrative processes alongside outdated or disconnected data can be strong inhibitors of efficiency, quality of service and revenue. We aim to improve the excellence of Higher Education institutions by increasing their ability to simplify their daily processes and back-office operations, providing valuable analytics insights, available in a fast, secure, reliable, and efficient way.

Learning eXperience

Fast changing environments are everywhere and organizations are exposed to a high volume of regular changes that impact their businesses. New products, new services and business models are adapted and created every day, hence very hard to follow by a large group of employees on their daily endeavors. That’s why we provide learning experiences using new technologies, to empower workers and students and enhance their performance.