ScienceScope Ltd recently relocated to Downside School just south of Bath. As ScienceScope specialises in developing technology for education, this unique arrangement of a high tech company being based in a school offers significant opportunities for us and students to work together on a range of new and exciting projects.
ScienceScope combines leading edge research projects with supply of equipment to schools and universities. Our product development programme is inspired by the research we do. In recent years the key areas of research have been:
- Developing the only electronic device for measuring Arsenic levels in groundwater.
- Developing novel air quality monitoring technology which has been widely deployed in Singapore Bangkok and London
- We have carried out a series of IOT based development projects both in the UK and Singapore schools. In the UK we won an £800K research grant from Innovate UK to work with 8 schools and three Universities to originate IOT@School. IOT@School which is being further developed in Singapore with the National Institute of Education.
- We are an EXPO2020 Live award winner. This project has enabled us to develop the IOT@School concept further. We are working with the GEMS schools in Dubai and students are designing their own big data investigations. Examples include investigating microclimates around the school grounds, weather across the world and air quality in the classroom.
We are working closely with the Dyson Foundation to inspire students to become the engineers of the future.