Panel Session: Innovation in Higher Education, Science & Technology

Panel Session: Innovation in Higher Education, Science & Technology

Chair: Ameur Allag, Business Development Solutions: Canon Central & North Africa
Hon Prof Amon Murwira – Minister of Higher & Tertiary Education, Science & Technology Development, Zimbabwe
Hon Justice Yien Oral Lam Tut – Minister of Higher Education, Science & Technology, South Sudan
Hon Gaspard Banyankimbona
Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research, Burundi
Hon Buti Kgwandi Manamela – Deputy Minister of Higher Education & Training, South Africa
Hon Prof Dr Eng Leda Florinda Hugo – Deputy Minister of Science & Technology, Higher & Technical Education, Mozambique
Rivo Rakotozafy – Director Assessment of Education Research & Finance, Madagascar

Video at the end of the session