Dataflow Learning (DFL) is an experienced provider of high quality educational solutions for the primary, secondary and higher education markets. DFL has a strong heritage in digital content development spanning ELT, mathematics, science, as well as training programmes across a wide range of subject matter and disciplines. As an education and technology company, DFL understands the needs of all participants in the education process, with a particular focus on teachers and learners. With significant experience in both creating and adapting traditional education resources, such as textbooks, into engaging, interactive digital resources, DFL understands the importance of demonstrating local relevance for students in order to engender enthusiasm and understanding.
The company has vast experience in the global education market, spanning the United States, Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Working with some of the largest global educational publishers, and directly with MOE’s all around the world, DFL applies its knowledge of local curriculum, language and culture, through its team of teaching professionals, instructional designers and SME’s, to develop curriculum, professional development and educational ebook content and solutions.
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